Yes, here I am again, talking about school. Specifically, math. I've always hated math. I dreaded going to math class and doing math homework. Even the word "math" made me uncomfortable. Okay, the word still makes me uncomfortable. But as of yesterday, I don't think I hate it so much anymore. And this week's quote explains why.
"People fear what they don't understand and hate what they can't conquer."
I was always scared to attempt math because I didn't understand it. I hated it because I always got the wrong answer and I struggled to get it right. I couldn't conquer it. But this time around, I understand it. The professor thoroughly explains everything and I know exactly how she gets from point A to point B. She goes through the example problems in detail and doesn't skip over simple steps because people like me don't always understand why that 3 has suddenly turned into a 1. But now I do understand it! And the moment it clicked in class, my jaw literally dropped and I flopped back into my chair and stared off into space and thought, holy crap, I get it! And it's not just because it's algebra and I've done it before. It's because I've done it before and I'm JUST NOW understanding it after only one lesson.
I've found this quote to be extremely true, not only regarding my struggles with math, but with plenty of other fears and dislikes I've had. I hate card games because I don't understand them, therefore I can not conquer them.
Of course, there are a lot of logical fears that stem from bad experiences with certain things. Someone who saw their baby sister fall down a flight of stairs might be scared of stairs for a while (true story). Someone who was bitten by a dog might be scared of dogs. You get the point. So obviously there are cases where people are afraid of things because they understand them TOO well or have been put in a scary situation with them.
However, historically and politically this quote makes a lot of sense. These concepts also show up a lot in literature and film.
My main point here is that you should reevaluate the things you hate and fear. Maybe you'll see things from a different light.
SIDE NOTE: I just want to thank everyone that reads and enjoys my blog. I sincerely appreciate it and it makes me so happy to be told that someone loves reading my random ramblings. Three people in the past week have complimented my blog to me, and it really insipres me to keep it going. When you read my blog posts, I would really appreciate it if you would somehow let me know that you've seen it. Simply clicking the little "like" or "favorite" button wherever you see it posted, or comment on the blog post if you can, just so I can thank you at some point for keeping me inspired to keep writing for you guys. It's not about how many likes, shares, favorites, retweets, repins, etc. that these posts get, it's just about knowing who to thank the most.
I'm so proud of you!