On Wednesday I sat outside to eat and watched a little bunny hop all around, eat some grass, chase a chipmunk, and plop down on her side in the dirt. I read somewhere that bunnies only lay on their sides when they're comfortable in their environment. We do have a beagle, but she's twelve years old and going deaf and blind, so she's not much of a threat except to the newborns. I also watched some hummingbirds dive bomb each other, fighting over the feeders.
Yesderday I sat outside again. No bunnies were out to play, but I was wearing a red shirt and a couple hummingbirds came very close to check me out. One of them buzzed all around my head. Another got about three feet away from me to look at me in between her trips to the feeder.
I'm sitting outside again now, and so far I've encountered a bunny cleaning her face and then disappearing the next time I looked up, a huge flock of little birds that flew away at the same time when I moved my arm, three mourning doves that went to land on the patio until they noticed me and flew away, a red belly woodpecker that just flew by and landed in a tree, and some really loud dive bombing hummingbirds. They're so cute when they chirp! So yeah, we have a really active back yard.
Mom and I are really happy that the hummingbirds finally showed up this summer. (Hello, titmouse!) We were worried the cold winter might have wiped them out. But now we have at least three that come and go.
Titmouse enjoying the feeder:
The coolest thing ever just happened while I was out there! A bunny was literally in petting range. I heard a rustling behind me, and I turned around and there was a bunny just a couple feet away!
I couldn't get a picture of her so close, but she casually hopped across the patio until I turned the camera towards her and she got spooked and ran off.
This is where she sat until I stood up and she ran further away. Sorry for scaring you, bun! That was crazy though, I'd never been so close to a wild bunny.
It's so ironic that it happened in the process of writing this post!
I tried to get a picture of the hummingbirds, but they were too fast.
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