Tuesday, August 12, 2014

It's a Birthday!

Today is my (not so) little sister's sixteenth birthday! It was hard enough to believe that she's already a junior in high school! 
This past Saturday we did most of the birthday celebration. We picked up her 3 favorite sisters and went to Red Robin for dinner. 
"Bad news is we sing off key, good news is this sundae's free!" 
Bethany, Sarah, Maggie, Tessa and I. Why do I feel like we look so much alike in this picture?
Group hug!
After dinner we went back to our house to decorate cupcakes. What Tessa didn't tell us was that the cupcake decorating was going to be a game. Before we started covering our giant cupcakes with icing, she explained the rules. Everyone was to decorate their cupcake, make it as elaborate as possible, and once everyone was done she would leave the room and our mom would come in and pick the best. Now what does the winner get? This was a big surprise for us. Once the best cupcake was chosen, all four of us were to team up to decorate another cupcake which the winner of the decoration contest would use to smoosh on Tessa's face! 
Sarah won with her spiky looking cupcake.
The top two are mine and Sarah's, the bottom three are Bethany's, Maggie's, and Tessa's. 
Talk about "Sweet Sixteen!" 
Today she'll be spending most of her day at school and dance, so I got up super early (like 6:30) to watch her open her present. We'll have her ice cream cake after dance tonight. I hope she has an awesome day and an even better year! 

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