This one should be a given.
You're = You Are.
Your = "Your hair is pretty." Belonging to "you."
Maybe it's just me, but these words even sound different in my head. If someone writes "Your cool," I'm forced to respond with, "My cool what?" What do I own that is cool? My dog? My hat collection?
This one should also be a given, but people still get confused.
They're = They Are.
There = "What's that over there?" Referring to a direction.
Their = "The kittens ate their dinner." Belonging to "them."
I don't see these get confused as often as "you're" and "your," but I thought I'd still point it out.
A Lot
Okay, this is actually the reason I'm writing this post to begin with. This morning I saw a post that was both hilarious and upsetting at the same time.
"You make me hate myself alot. -Six word story.This is technically a seven word story, but they wanted so badly for it to be a six word story that they committed a horrible English crime and turned "a lot" into one word. I actually typed "alot" into google to see if it's just spelled that way in other places, and the first thing that popped up was this hilarious blog post by Hyperbole and a Half. I actually have her book and she is absolutely hilarious, so I highly recommend following her.
Those are just a few of my many Pet Peeves, but I don't think I'd be able to fit all of them into one blog post. Now I am off to catch up on Hyperbole and a Half and possibly write my English paper. I hope everyone is having a great Labor Day weekend!
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