I changed my URL again so it's a bit shorter because typing "letterswordsandprettybirds" was a pain in the butt, so now it's simply "letterswordsbirds" and I think I can live with that. I just had such a hard time coming up with a cute title that wasn't "lydiawearsjeans." That one was easy to think of because my middle name is Jean and I wear jeans a lot.
"Letters, Words, and Pretty Birds" came from my obsession with hand lettering, the fact that this is a blog and I will be writing a lot, and my love of all things pretty and in nature. Not to mention it rhymes. My mom said I should write a post about how I've been bird watching my whole life, but when I think of "bird watching" I think of old people in floppy hats sitting on lawn chairs with binoculars. My parents are big bird fans, so I guess it kind of rubbed off on me. I mean, not many other 5th graders would get excited to see a bluebird sitting on a fence. I guess you could say I'm somewhat of a bird watcher, but not the kind with binoculars. Floppy hats, sure, but I don't need binoculars.
I'm going to try not to blog every day, but if it just so happens that I have something to write about a few days in a row, then I won't wait to post them. I'll try to make sure I post at least once a week during my busy times just so I don't end up dropping this as I do with so many other things. I guess those are my blogging rules for myself! I'm not going to write boring filler posts; if I absolutely HAVE to write something I'll probably tell an old story or go on a deep rant about something. Okay that is all~
Yes, Backyard Birding has been apart of our lives for about 25 years. No floppy hats or binoculars are needed. We've seen many of God's beautiful feathered creations from Hawks to Hummingbirds. Our wildlife backyard (in the middle of the city) also includes squirrels, bunnies, chipmunks and butterflies. I bet you have a lot of backyard memories that you can write about. :)