Sunday, July 27, 2014

Photoshoot Day

So I woke up at 5 this morning to go on a wild adventure with some hooligans. First we went to a big, lovely, bug-infested field. 
Katie (also our many footprints)
Michaela, who was behind the camera for every shot that she wasn't in. I took the pictures of her.

Then we took a drive downtown...
We all loved Michaela's "Pirate" outfit and her modified "Captain Morgan" pose. 
And I just can't resist posting this one as well:
My "Singing in the Rain" pose! 
These haven't been edited yet, but I will probably do that tomorrow and post them on Facebook. We all had a lot of fun taking pictures and being extremely goofy. This picture basically captured the essence of the whole day:
Katie and I were being "goofy goobers" while Mia was being a serious natural model. 

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