Monday, July 21, 2014

Frankenmuth, Michigan

A few weeks ago my whole family went up to Michigan to visit our relatives for a week. Many past trips to MI have been stressful, to say the least, but this trip was so much better. For many years my mom has been wanting to take my sister and I to a town called Frankenmuth. It has a huge Christmas store that's open all year, which was the main attraction at first. When we got into Michigan late at night, my dad drove us through Frankenmuth. Even though it was dark, it was beautiful and really cool looking and I couldn't wait to see it during the day. We drove past Bronner's Christmas Store and I couldn't believe my eyes. They had all these lights and displays that seemed to go on for at least a mile. My sister was just confused. I was freaking out and couldn't stop smiling! 
A couple days later, we actually went to Frankenmuth for the day with my Aunt. We spent pretty much the whole time in a little village called River Place, where we shopped and ate crepes for lunch. I got some nice pictures of the buildings too.
This one is my favorite. I took it while walking and it somehow came out perfectly.
It looked like a little village you might see in Disney World. It was kind of German, even though the crepe restaurant was very French. In the second picture, you can see the yellow building on the right with the chef, ninja turtle, and cupcake things. That's a bakery called Sugar High that won a season of Cupcake Wars. We went in and I got to try macarons for the first time! 
The chocolate one wasn't very good, but I loved the lemon one.
Chocolate covered bacon is a thing here.
Tessa as a ninja turtle and mom as a chef.
We went into some really cool stores and then decided to go to dinner. We had dinner at a restaurant outside of River Place called the Brewery. It used to be just a brewery, but they made it into a restaurant, and they actually give tours of the place and you can go in the brewing room which is separated from the restaurant by a big window, so you can see the big vats and stuff. We sat pretty close to it, so that was cool. They made really good mac and cheese.
When we came out of the restaurant, this awesome car was parked next to ours:
I love old cars!

After dinner, we went to Bronner's. I took a lot of pictures there, but I'll post my favorites.
I loved this toy store display.
Really cool old piano and organ! The organ was originally sold for about $30 in 1902. 
I ended up getting this ornament.
They had multiple clocks like this and so many things with lots of different languages. I took pictures of everything that had multiple translations, even a trash can. This sign says "Welcome" in 57 languages! 
The store is huge and my mom, sister and I only saw 2 out of 10 sections of it. Tessa and I were pretty amazed by all of the ornaments. I also really loved the old pianos and cash register. I love old things like that.
When we were done at Bronner's, we were all tired and in pain and ready to get in the car and eat our fancy flavored popcorn from River Place. It was such a great day and really made the trip 10 times more fun. I hope to go back some day and explore more of the town.

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