Here I am, stepping into the world of blogging. I just spent a couple hours trying to make everything look nice here, and it's still not exactly where I want it to be. Oh well, it'll get there! In the mean time we'll all have to put up with the pre-made background and silly header and title. I'll try to come up with something a little more clever than "Lydia Wears Jeans," which I've been using forever.
I hope to use this blog frequently as I embark on my next journey into the unknown. In this case, the "unknown" is college. Luckily for me I will be living at home for all 4 years! I've been celebrating the fact that, with this set up, I'll never have to live in a dorm or have a room mate- both things I had been dreading since I started looking into colleges. Being an introvert with an anxiety disorder and a fear of crowds, I NEED my alone time, and the thought of sharing a room with someone scared the crap out of me. "What if they don't sleep with the fan on high? What if they have to watch TV to go to sleep?? What if they are complete night owls and spend all night talking to their dog on skype???" But now I don't have to worry about that. And I don't have to worry about public showers and funky water pressure and all the other horror stories I've heard from college friends (or made up in my mind).
What I do have to worry about, however, is how much school work I'm going to get. And math. I always have to worry about math. I spend every day of my life in fear that I will have to do math. I must have some math phobia.
Anyway, I still have over a month until my first day, and until then I will continue being a goober and drawing and painting and obsessing over things on Pinterest.
You get exposed to all kinds of weird and wonderful situations when you're living on campus. I enjoyed it even though my roommate last year was kind of an asshole. Anxiety is hard, I know, but looking back... I think all the best times in my life were the times when I jumped off a cliff and hoped I would grow wings on the way down. Remember that, and soar!