Most of the time, you see people bullying women who appear overweight. That's bad enough as it is. If someone is confident about herself, leave her alone! Some people are just the opposite of me and can't lose weight. She may actually be really healthy, but just has meat on her bones. You don't know someone's story.
I saw something the other day that boiled my blood and kind of shocked me. There was a picture of a lovely woman with curves, and a comment that wasn't so lovely.
"I would rather look at a woman with curves than a stick figure."
It makes me sick just typing it. I'm amazed that someone would actually say something so rude and hurtful. There are many things I would like to say to people like this, but most importantly, who cares what YOU want to look at? You can look at curvy women all day, but don't you DARE grimace when you see someone like me. The only thing you're doing when you post a comment like that is potentially hurting millions of women who are skinny because God made them that way, or because they try really hard for it. There are hundreds of ways to tell someone you think they are attractive without being rude to others.
I am NOT a stick figure. I am a HUMAN BEING. I have a heart and a brain and feelings. God made me this way. Who are YOU to judge His masterpieces? Who are you to judge someone who works so hard to look the way they do? Who are you to judge at all? Yes, the curvy woman who carries herself with confidence is beautiful, but so is the skinny woman who carries herself just as confidently. We do not lose or gain or maintain our weight for anyone but ourselves. We do not care to impress you, but we do care when you call us "twigs" or "stick figures," because how could someone possibly be so ignorant? There's obviously a HUGE difference, and it's not that hard to tell us apart from drawings.
Human Being:
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