Today I'm going to talk about my experience with one of the community theaters here for the show, "The Never Ending Story." I was so happy to get back to doing tech work again. I do wish I could have done more during the show, but I did a lot of painting during tech week. The very first night, Katie and I spent 5 hours painting set and props.
We did black sponge painting on the top of this set piece and on the stairs.
We covered these masks in glow paint (this was before we started working on them).
After (and height comparison).
And we had painted the wood texture on this set piece during the weeks before tech week.
The girl who was basically the head painter lady did an awesome job with these as well:
Sadly, they used blinding blue lights during the scene that these were in, so the art wasn't as visible. Oh well, it wasn't up to me.
When we made it to our first dress rehearsal, we didn't have jobs for the show. Katie and I were told that we'd be given jobs as they came along. Meaning, the minute they realize that they need more people on something, during dress rehearsal, with an audience, we would get our jobs. Luckily, we ended up with something fairly simple, which was hooking and unhooking a makeshift turtle shell to and from a wire. That was it. That was our job. I was glad that they had a job for us, but I was also frustrated that they threw it at us at the last minute. We got a chance to practice it a couple times the next day, but it was fairly simple and we figured it all out quickly.
The worst thing about it was that, for the rest of the show, all we did was sit backstage and play games on our phones and eat snacks. For anyone else, that might have been great. "Cool I only have to do this one thing 8 times and sit around and play games and I can get college credit just for that!" Yeah, it's a great concept. Yes, I got out of writing 3 papers. But for the most part, I was bored. I've gotten so accustomed to competition play tech. Making sure everything runs quickly, smoothly, and that it all happens in under 45 minutes. I hated that I didn't feel any emotional attachment to this show. I feel more attached to the competition play that my high school is currently doing, even though all I did for it was paint a couple shadows and highlights.
Anyway, I am glad that I got the chance to work on the show and lift up Morla the turtle and absentmindedly memorize all of her lines.
"I don't care about anything."
I also quite loved the awesomeness that was this horse:
And I loved getting to spend more time with this child:
"I want to hold one up like a bazooka!"
"No Katie, don't touch the-- Oh that looks pretty cool."
Moonchild's couch. Yeah, her name was Moonchild. How drunk was this writer...
So, overall, I did enjoy it. Even though I was bored when I wasn't doing anything. It was a very cool looking show and the kids were great actors. They even gave us little presents to thank us. And Katie and I got to have a couple sleep overs. Yay for theatre!
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