But yesterday was the first day of October, which, as most of you should know, is breast cancer awareness month. This past year, my grandma, who I call Nana, was diagnosed with breast cancer and had the surgery to remove it. I feel like this is a great opportunity to bring up a few pictures I took back in 2011.
When I was still really into photography and Deviant Art, I made my own little photography challenge called "25 Days of Pink" during the month of October. The reason it's only 25 days is because I didn't start it until the 7th of the month. So in honor of this month, I thought I would share a few of those pictures with you!
Day 1:
Day 2. I was so excited when I found this car.
Day 8:
Day 11. Apparently I found this bear while cleaning my room.
Day 12. My friend Maura always wears cute dresses and hair bows. I wasn't very good at photo editing at this time...
Day 15:
Day 21:
Day 22. I wonder if Michaela still has these pajama pants.
Day 24. Let's appreciate that we still used mp3 players 3 years ago.
Day 25. I had a lot of fun painting these pumpkins and slinging paint at the one.
So that was basically how my photography skills were in 2011. I mean, not too bad to be honest, but I'm glad I've learned photoshop now... I really like that I still have these pictures.
This year I'm participating in the Ribbon Run with my sister and her dance company. Apparently I also have to wear a pink tutu. Our grandma's name is going to be on the back of the shirts we're going to wear.
On another note, not only is October breast cancer awareness month, but this week, October 1st through 7th, is Body Focused Repetitive Behavior (BFRB) awareness week! And if you've been keeping up with my blog since the beginning, you know that I have one of those! So I'll be pretty decked out in green and blue this week (or I'll at least wear my bracelet) and for the rest of the month I'll wear pink as much as I can and use my pink polkadot phone case. I encourage you all to become aware of Breast Cancer and BFRBs this week and month, learn as much as you can about them. The internet is a grand place to learn about these things.
Now I have to go to my second to last Orientation class, so I'm off! I hope to blog more soon, although tech week is next week... Happy October!